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29 de diciembre de 2013

Candace Charlton

Candace Charlton

Candace Charlton Born 1968 25th December Natal, South Africa.
Residence: Volterra, Italy and Norg, Holland.
1983-1986 Johannesburg School of Art, Ballet, Drama & Music,
1987-1990 University: Rhodes University, Grahamstown
Degree: Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA)
Major Subjects: History of Art and Sculpture.
Distinctions: Basic Art and Sculpture.

2 comentarios:

cath carbone dijo...

Heureuse de te retrouver ici,j'adore ton 'slyde de portraits'
Belle et heureuse année 2014 que tes voeux s'accomplissent!
Bises, Cath.

Unknown dijo...

¡¡Feliz Año Nuevo Cath!!. Un abrazo fraterno.