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11 de noviembre de 2015

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Georgi Petrov was born in Dobrich, Bulgaria. He lives and works in Sofia. He holds a Master degree in Art Management from the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts - Plovdiv, Bulgaria. He owns an art gallery in the Dobrich, Bulgaria.
Since 2012 Georgi Petrov is a member of Creative Union of Professional Artist in Russia.
"To me, painting is a heartbeat, love, perception, impetus, state, mood, experience, emption, at times spontaneous, but always created with an open soul… It is born in the interaction between two worlds - the one inside us and the one outside - that establishes another particular reality inspired, however, not always by heroes and happenings which somebody has in…" - Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

Artista Georgi Petrov

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