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11 de junio de 2015


Misawa HIROSHI born in Tokyo in 1961, this artist teaches at two schools and graduated from Musashino Art University. He has a fund of knowledge about human body anatomy, so he describes his works in profound perspective.
He has the great art of sketching. This is why his paintings fascinate us.
He is also interested in educating younger generations, so now he works in two art schools.

1 comentario:

Ángeles dijo...

Cristina, desde que te encontré en este mundo de la red, no dejo de admirar el inmenso trabajo que realizas, siempre contarás con mis mensajes, porque las imágenes que nos regalas, anegan el alma con su belleza, son estrellas que por unos minutos nos ciegan con su luz.

Mi abrazo inmenso y mis felicitaciones por tu buen hacer.