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31 de octubre de 2013


Lado Tevdoradze

Lado Tevdoradze was born in 1957 on Septemebr 16. In 1974-1977 and 1979-85 he graduated The Toidze Art Scool and The Academy of Art 1998-2005 Lado Tevdoradze painted the ST.Nicholas church in Narikalafortress with David Khidasheli and also the same yeah they both painted Jvari Patiosani church In Akhmeta.


Gianni Gueggia

Gianni Gueggia ha iniziato ad esporre le sue opere a partire dal 1973. Ha partecipato a numerosi concorsi nazionali e internazionali ricevendo premi e moltissimi favori da parte della critica. Numerose le mostre collettive e personali in cui ha esposto le proprie opere, tra cui anche presso il Circolo Culturale "Don E.Verzeletti". Vive e lavora a Castrezzato (BS). I dipinti di Gueggia vivono una flebile armonia poetica, dove la concertazione tonale suggerisce un lirismo pittorico d'antiche radice figurative e di evidente sensibilità. Una pittura di coinvolgente fascino percettivo che, particolarmente nel paesaggio riecheggia atmosfere veneziane di notevole preziosismo cromatico risolto in dissolventi luminescenze. Una poetica capace di attingere nel classico, recuperando un rinnovamento spirituale e fruitivo nella stilistica, carica di elaborazioni formali e delicate suggestioni coloristiche. E' l'interiorità a prevalere sulla veridicità dell'immagine raggiungendo una articolata musicalità con timbrici accordi di larga e modulata variegazione.


Michael Aviano

Michael Aviano has been drawing since childhood. His first oil paintings were done when he was in junior high school.
In the 1940’s Michael applied to the Art Students League, NYC, where the school director Steward Klonis was so impressed by the young Aviano’s talent that he immediately enrolled him in Frank J. Reilly’s painting class. This was an honor as it often took up to two years to gain entrance into Reilly’s classes. Frank J. Reilly studied with the famous League teacher Frank Vincent Dumond (American 1865-1951), who in turn studied under Benjamin Constant (1845- 1902), Jules Joseph Lefebvre (1836-1911) and Gustave Boulanger (1824-1888), important painters of the French Academic Tradition. During his years at the Art Students League, Michael received annual scholarships and awards for his excellence in painting.

30 de octubre de 2013


Martin-Georg Oscity

Martin-Georg Oscity. Ich begrüße Sie in der virtuellen Welt der Visionen und wünsche Ihnen viel Spaß bei der Entdeckungsreise in das Reich der Phantasie, in meine Bilderwelt. Tauchen Sie ein und lassen Sie sich entführen in die Grenzbereiche der Wahrnehmung, da wo die Seele wohnt. Wenn Sie das Staunen eines Kindes nicht verlernt haben, wenn Sie auch so gerne träumen wie Ich, dann werden Sie mich vielleicht verstehen.


Suzie Zamit

Suzie Zamit, studied Fine Art Sculpture at City & Guilds of London Art School. She has been a member of the SOCIETY OF PORTRAIT SCULPTORS since 1999, and a council member since 2007. She exhibits at their annual Cork St, W1 show each May, and in 2010, at their critically acclaimed exhibiton in WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL - 'In a Sacred Place'.

29 de octubre de 2013


Miguel Ronsino

Miguel Ronsino nació en 1968, en Chivilcoy, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Entre 1987 y 1991 cursó estudios de dibujo y pintura en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes “Prilidiano Pueyrredón” de donde egresa con el titulo de Profesor Nacional de dibujo y pintura, paralelamente asiste al taller de Clelia Speroni.
En 1988 recibe la beca F.A.T.L.Y.F. (renovada anualmente hasta 1991).
Desde 1992 trabaja como docente en Chivilcoy, Bragado y Buenos Aires, desarrollando diferentes proyectos entre los que se destacan : El taller de Arte Infantil “La Balsa”(Chivilcoy – 1992 / 95) y las exposiciones : “El circo de José...” (Museo Pompeo Boggio, Chivicoyo /1998) “Proyecto Ciclo” (Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo Pabellón IV, Buenos Aires /1999) “Proyecto Néctar” (Centro Cultural Recoleta, Buenos Aires / 2001) “Néctar 2” (Club Español, Bragado / 2005) “Pintores de Bragado en el Centro” (Centro Vasco, Bragado / 2007) “Cielo Rojo: una ventana a la poesia maldita” (Biblioteca Popular Doctor Antonio Novaro, Chivicoyo / 2008 – Sala Domine, Bragado / 2009) “Néctar 3” (Museo Pompeo Boggio, Chivicoyo / 2013). En 2012 se incorpora a la Escuela de Actividades Culturales de la ciudad de Chacabuco.