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31 de mayo de 2013

Peter Quidley

Peter Quidley born on Boston's Beacon Hill in 1945 and spent his college years taking drawing classes. A self-taught painter, Quidley, over the past 29 years of painting, has captured a timeless period, one that will remain classic through the ages. From grinding some of his own pigments and the panels he uses, to the gold leaf water gild frames that are carefully chosen, Quidley's goal is to create a painting of quality, beauty, and permanence.

Henry Bacon

Henry Bacon (1839 in Haverhill, Massachusetts – 13 March 1912 in Cairo) was an American painter and author. Henry A. Bacon was born in Haverhill, Massachusetts in 1839. During the American Civil War, he enlisted in the Union Army on 16 July 1861 and acted as a field artist for Frank Leslie's Weekly while he served as a soldier within the 13th Massachusetts Infantry. Badly wounded at Bull Run, he was discharged on 19 December 1862. In 1864, he went to Paris, with his first wife Elizabeth Lord, to study figure painting. He was admitted to the National School of Fine Arts and was one of Alexandre Cabanel's scholars. Bacon died in Cairo, Egypt in 1912.

30 de mayo de 2013

Isabel Guerra

Isabel Guerra.De familia acomodada y culta, fue hija única. Empezó a pintar a los doce años, de forma autodidacta, y expuso por primera vez a los quince en la sala Toisón de Madrid. Pasó largas horas estudiando a los grandes maestros en el Museo del Prado, frecuentando exposiciones y leyendo libros de arte. Ingresó a los 23 años, el 12 de noviembre de 1970, en el convento cisterciense del Monasterio de Santa Lucía en Zaragoza. Es miembro honorífico de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Luis y correspondiente de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes y Ciencias Históricas de Toledo. En sus pinturas, de técnica velazqueña y perfecto hiperrealismo, aparece una lírica cercana a la teología mística cristiana. Cultiva ante todo el retrato y el bodegón y describe sobre todo momentos cotidianos en el trabajo de mujeres humildes o campesinas, su sueño o el de niñas, dándose una especial importancia a la luz. Así se cumple en su obra el lema benedictino de ora et labora, "reza y trabaja". Sus títulos evocan pasajes bíblicos; también cultiva el tema más estrictamente religioso de la historia sagrada. Su pintura, muy cotizada, ha sido vista en más de veinte exposiciones individuales y otras tantas colectivas desde 1960. En el año 2000 una retrospectiva suya en La Lonja de Zaragoza de 78 óleos y dibujos, una parte mínima de su abundante producción, fue visitada por más de 120.000 personas. Escribió y publicó El libro de la paz interior. Pinturas y mensajes (Barcelona: Syria, 2005), que ha sido reimpreso diez veces, en donde comenta 48 de sus cuadros.

Artista Paco Sanchidrian

29 de mayo de 2013

Silvano Braido

Silvano Braido Pittore was born in Treviso. He makes his home on the outskirts of Villorba in the Treviso countryside. As a child he discovered that he had a need not only to play, but also to draw, to communicate and express himself. Pencil, pastels, and, later, oil and acrylic became his inseparable, lifelong companions. During his school years at the academy of fine arts in Venice he branched out into various new areas. He never finished his studies due to famil y concerns, because he moves in a different world, and his need for selfexpression took a different path. The various jobs he took in the following period helped him make ends meet, but they never stopped him from feeling that he had a calling, and he continued to pursue painting in his spare time. Gradually, stubbornly, with cunning and long study, he set out down the path towards a career as a full time artist. This bold decision was dictated by his sensibility and his deep love for his work. He gained further experience with drawing and various painting techniques and did his first etchings. His first expositions immediately proved that he was a highly creative, captivating artist. Now, in his full maturity, with a refined sense for painting, he creates images of extraordinary beauty: never-ending skies and fantastic creatures that illuminate the scenes of his conversations with life.

Paco Sanchidrian

PACO SANCHIDRIÁN (Ávila 1962). Licenciado en Bellas Artes en la Escuela Superior de San Carlos de Valencia en 1986. Vive y trabaja en Segovia.

28 de mayo de 2013

Vahagn Igitian

This incredible artist Vahagn Igitian was born Yerevan in the capital of Armenia. And this is the information which we could find out about this incredible artist and painter Vahagn Igitian. Besides that we should mention that the art news which we are going to represent you about this artist Vahagn Igitian will surely interest you and be very attractive to your eyes.