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31 de julio de 2012

Artista Kevin Zuckerman

Kevin Zuckerman | American Abstract and Figurative painter
Was born in St. Louis and grew up in Japan, Thailand, and Greece. He returned to the United States to live in Washington D.C. and Chicago and now lives and works in New Mexico. At the age of 18, Kevin entered The American Academy of Art in Chicago, IL. After completing his training there, he began his private study with the master painter, Eugene Hall, until Hall's death in 1985. Kevin traces his artistic lineage from Eugene Hall, who was the protege of the master painter, Vladimir Zlatoff-Mirsky, who in turn studied in Moscow under Russia's great famous painter Ilya Repin. To this day, Kevin paints on the original easel handed down to him through these painters.

Artista Dino Masiero

25 de julio de 2012

Dino Masiero

Cursó sus estudios universitarios en la ciudad capital de Córdoba, Argentina; obteniendo las Licenciaturas en Pintura y en Escultura.
Es un artista versátil, nato e intuitivo.
Su primera exposición individual a nivel profesional la realizó a los 18 años de edad, antes de ingresar a la escuela de Bellas Artes en Córdoba, Argentina.
Ha realizado monumentos de índole religioso en Córdoba, Santa Eufemia y aquí, en Río Cuarto, La Virgen de la Dulce Espera y un San Francisco de Asís en el campus del colegio San Buenaventura.
En esta sección mostraremos una de sus vastísimas esculturas, en este caso una terracota policromada.

“…Mi obra de carácter surreal, ofrece al espectador la posibilidad de navegar por ella, indagar, descifrar, decodificar libremente desde su lugar socio-cultural.
Mis trabajos generalmente no pueden enmarcarse dentro de un estilo determinado y menos aún en un significado preciso. Es una “obra abierta” como lo define el célebre Umberto Eco, de múltiples posturas que enriquecen, de este modo, sus más variadas lecturas.
Lo onírico envuelve la escena, se apodera de ella, mientras el capricho y el absurdo son los protagonistas.
El volumen de las imágenes genera un mayor verismo, otorgando un acercamiento para con lo real.
¿Un sueño?, ¿una fantasía?, ¿un delirio? ....una incógnita.” Dino Masiero Sauber.

22 de julio de 2012

Raff Boyadjian

Artista Raff Boyadjian


Born in Armenia in 1948, Boyadjian grew up in Gyumri, one of the country's cultural centers. As a youngster, his first impressions of life swelled in him as he absorbed the spirit of the people, their happiness and joy, the depth of their traditions, and the pride of their heritage. These impressions continue to spring forth from him and are continually translated onto his canvas. Raff Boyadjian studied fine art at several schools, including the prestigious University of Fine Arts and Theater. It was there that he mastered the art of painting and produced works that have been kept to this day by the school as examples of excellence for student reference. Boyadjian's diplomate work, entitled "Circus", received widespread critical acclaim, and the work was subsequently exhibited in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, and other major Russian cities.

21 de julio de 2012

Susana Cirille


20 de julio de 2012

Artista Martìn La Spina

Artista Susana Cirille


Artista Martìn La Spina

Martìn La Spina.
Nacido en La Plata el 10 de Julio de 1973
Estudió la carrera de Licenciatura en Artes plásticas, (orientación pintura) en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Desde 1991 realiza exposiciones de su trabajo artístico, habiendo recibido premios en varias oportunidades. Además de su trayectoria como pintor, ha incursionado en el campo de la escenografía, el muralismo, el mosaico, el vitral y la ilustración. Como docente se desempeña en la Cátedra de Pintura de la Facultad de Bellas Artes, en la Tecnicatura Superior en Vitrales de la Catedral de La Plata y en su taller particular.

19 de julio de 2012

Artista Andrew Bella

18 de julio de 2012

Artista Lori Earley

Lori Earley is a contemporary surrealist figurative artist who began exhibiting her works in 2004. Born and raised in New York, Earley was an accomplished and gifted artist from a young age. As a maturing adolescent, she discovered her distinct style and fondness for painting deeply personal subject matter. She then began her journey towards becoming a professional oil painter through fine art training at the School of Visual Arts in New York City. Her innate passion for expressing mood and emotion on canvas and paper along with her mastery of technique in oil and graphite was soon recognized, in the United States and abroad. Earley was acclaimed as an exceptional new talent, praised for her authentic portraiture. Her stylized, elongated subjects echoed Mannerist elements and the dramatic lighting of the Baroque period. Her distorted realism drew attention from established artists, collectors, and galleries which immediately propelled Earley to the forefront of a burgeoning art movement. Her recognition as a leading female contemporary master painter grew internationally and moved Earley into the celebrated realm of solo exhibitions in Seattle, Los Angeles, New York City and London. Earley's stunning portraits have attracted an audience of collectors who treasure owning a rare, truly unique work of art. While her femme fatale portraits mature in style and intensity, they retain her signature ethereal quality that embodies an undeniably feminine force. Her portraits always capture elusive moments in the artist's individual perception and experience, viewed through her imaginative lens.

Artista Susana Cirille


Profesora de Ciencias Biológicas.
- Es autodidacta. Con el asesoramiento de antiguos ebanistas desarrolló la técnica de la marquetería. En el 2003 se contactó con marqueteros de Europa que le dieron los secretos de este difícil arte.

15 de julio de 2012

12 de julio de 2012

Artista Silvia Barcala

Mate amargo

8 de julio de 2012

7 de julio de 2012

Artista Bruno Dalfiume

5 de julio de 2012

Artista Radish Tordia

4 de julio de 2012

Artista Bruno Dalfiume

2 de julio de 2012

Artista Silvia Barcala

Dìa de mercado