10 de enero de 2015


Eugène Henri Cauchois [1850-1911] was born in the city of Rouen on February 14, 1850. He received his artistic training under the master painters Ferdinand Duboc and Alexandre Cabanel. His soft, colorful and lustrous still-lives reflect a strong influence from the renowned Impressionist artists of his time. Similar to the techniques of the Impressionists, Cauchois' canvases are created with layer upon layer of loose and fluid brush strokes.

2 comentarios:

  1. Preciosas muestras de pinturas realistas. Me gustan muchísimo las figuras humanas tan expresivas por su impactante ternura.
    Enhorabuena por la selección y, gracias además por compartir el amor por la naturaleza también.

    Un abrazo.

  2. Buenas,tengo una pintura del pintor H cauchois y me gustaria saber que valor podria tener...gracias


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