30 de noviembre de 2014


Konstantin Kacev

Konstantin Kacev

Konstantin Kacev

Konstantin Kacev

Konstantin Kacev

Konstantin Kacev

Konstantin Kacev

Konstantin Kacev, is born in Taschent ( SSSR ) in 1967 where he lived till 1983 year.
He continued his secondary education in Skopje till 1986, and in 1995 he graduates from the Faculty of Fine Arts - Skopje at the department of painting, conservation and restoration.
For many years he had worked at the Republic’s Department of Culture and Conservation specializing in protection of monuments as a freelance wall painting conservator.
Since 1999 he has moved in his studio and participates in many exhibitions across Macedonia and several independent exhibitions in Paris and New York in 2005.
He lives and work in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

2 comentarios:

  1. ¡Qué expresividad en cada imagen, en cada pincelada, en cada detalle Cristina!


  2. Si Ernesto, yo a medida que voy seleccionandolas (porque no todas me agradan del mismo autor),(me pasa con todos y hasta con mis propias obras), me quedo embelezada. Gracias por tu compañía y tus palabras. Un abrazo.


ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.