25 de mayo de 2014


Angel Ramiro Sanchez. Artista

Angel Ramiro Sanchez born in 1974 in Maracaibo, Venezuela, at age six Ramiro was accepted with full scholarship into the Ninos Cantores School for musically gifted children. At age fourteen he began five years of apprenticeship with the realist painter, Abdon Jose Romero, an eminent specialist in murals for churches and publics buildings. In 1993 a study grant from Msgr Gustavo Ocando Yamarte, Founder of the Ninos Cantores, enable him to travel to Florence, Italy, Where he successfully passed the admission examination for the renowned Accademia di Belle Arti. During the four years he studied full time at the Accademia, receiving his diploma magna cum laude, Ramiro also attended drawing and painting sessions at the Florence Academy of Art, directed by painter Daniel Graves. Ramiro was appointed Senior Painting Instructor at the FAA in 1997. He continues to live and work in Florence.

3 comentarios:

  1. Muchas gracias Sue por tu aporte tan generoso de espresarte. Un gran abrazo amiga mia.

  2. Cuántos artistas buenos que no son tan conocidos en el mundo. Me pareció genial. Saludos.


ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.