11 de febrero de 2014


Rozanne Bell

Rozanne Bell is the epitome of fun. She is a flamboyant gregarious character with a unique creative imagination that knows no bounds. Rozanne has a sunny disposition, full of originality and wit. She is an exciting and entertaining person; full of energy and vibrancy and her art mirrors all these qualities. Rozanne has five children and her artwork is embroidered into the heart of her family life.
Rozanne Bell was born in Zimbabwe and she lived there for 40 years. She exhibited all over southern Africa and, through tourism, an American market for her work evolved. From Guernsey to Ghana her paintings hang in many banks and boardrooms all over the world.

2 comentarios:

ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.