21 de febrero de 2014


Layachi Hamidouche

Layachi Hamidouche is born in 1947 in Annaba - Algeria.
Final exam in 1965 and superior mathematics (1965-1966). Mathematics professor since October 1966. 1968-1969: enrollment at the paintings'lessons to the Universal School by correspondence of Paris,Boulevard Exelmans, Several exhibitions in Annaba stake out its pictorial course. August 1996: Homage of the office for the culture of the city of Annaba. June 2004 : Selected by the internal Commission of the Biennial Internationale of the Contemporary art (Florence , Italiy) to participate at 5th edition (December 2005)June 2006: Homage of The Direction's Culture of the city of Annaba.From 1999 he incorporates into his work computers and explores the extraordinary promise of grouping the digital painting associated with traditional techniques. Exhibitions on the Web since June 2000 .His style : "A style that combines synthetic figurative symbolism and surrealism."

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