1 de febrero de 2014


Kim Lordier

Kim Lordier (b. 1966) combines keen observation and sensitivity in developing her award winning landscapes. Native to the California Bay Area and a graduate of the Academy of Art University, San Francisco, Kim utilizes a rich palette and harmonizing color effects, as she captures the abstract qualities of light as it plays upon the landscape.
Inspired by the early California Impressionists, her work has gained national attention and has been featured in Southwest Art Magazine, Fine Art Connoisseur, American Artist, The Pastel Journal and The Plein Air Magazine. Her work has been published in: California Light- A Century of Landscapes by Jean Stern and Molly Siple, Art Journey America- Landscapes by North Light Publishing, and Art of the National Parks- Historic Connections Contemporary Interpretations published by Fresco Fine Art Publications. Kim has received recognition for her landscapes at major plein air events, national pastel society shows and museum exhibitions.

1 comentario:

ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.