16 de febrero de 2014


Heather Arenas

Heather Arenas.- My family has always put a high value on art and it seemed like there were always art supplies around growing up. I drew people and animals constantly. When I drew people, the clothing would have zippers and patches and pockets. No detail left out. In middle school, I would draw cartoon characters I found in ‘learn to draw’ books then sell them to my classmates or trade them for snacks. In high school, I took art classes all 4 years. I painted my friends and their cars or animals with acrylics. I gave away so many paintings in that time. It would be interesting to see some of them now. As I got older, I heard the resounding “You can’t make money as an artist!” so I had to try to find a ‘real’ career. I’m a bit of a science geek and I think the human body is fascinating so I studied Biology and Chemistry. I managed to squeeze in an art class here and there during college. After receiving a BA in Biology, I went to medical school. It was there that I realized I didn’t like the direction things were going so I dropped out and started searching for a new way to make a living. I have a laundry list of work experience as a chef, chiropractic assistant, vet tech, office temp, receptionist, systems analyst, database architect, web designer, alpaca breeder, and fiber sorter. It was while raising the alpacas that I started to take art seriously again. I began to do custom watercolor and graphite portraits of animals for other breeders. After 5 years, I discovered the alpaca business was not nearly as successful as my ability to sell artwork so I sold all of my animals and started painting full time.
I have since moved to Denver to be closer to the artist community and to learn as much as I can to further my skills in oil painting. I’ve connected with a fabulous network of artists that I paint with several times a week. Now I finally get to connect my love for anatomy with my love for art.

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