22 de agosto de 2013


Karen Lawrence. "My vein of gold pulls me along the common thread that connects us with our past. In my paintings of interiors I'm intrigued by how people live. I enjoy painting houses with history and rooms filled with beloved treasures. But even those rooms we live our busy lives in today tell rich stories about their residents. I loosely paint a corner of the room, centering on a comfortable old footed bathtub, a lovely dining room with a lit candelabra, a cozy fireplace and overstuffed chair, or maybe a grand piano catching the morning sun.
I hope to capture these things in paintings that will be enjoyed by our great grandchildren." Karen Lawrence has been painting since 1985, when she was introduced to watercolor in classes at the Atlanta College of Art. In 1990 she left her career in business to pursue art full-time. Karen holds a B.S. in Related Arts and Crafts from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. She has studied painting through art classes and workshops from prominent local and nationally recognized teachers over the last 18 years. She spent 4 ½ years working at the Atlanta Artists Club. Currently, Karen can be found painting in her studio in Atlanta.

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