19 de agosto de 2013


Dashi Namdakov is a Russian sculptor, graphic artist and jeweller, Member of the Russian Union of Artist. Born in 1967 in Siberia near Chita which is close to the Russian-Chinese border; graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Fine Arts. In 2003 Dashi was awarded a silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts for the works exhibited in Moscow.
Dashi’s first solo show in a Siberian city of Irkutsk in 2000 became a sensation in the art world. The flawless plasticity and “jeweler’s” precision of his works have soon won the author the reputation of a leading Russian sculptor. Dashi’s one-man shows in major Russian museums and abroad won him a universal acclaim: the State Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow, Tibet House U.S., the Beijing World Art Museum, the Guangzhou Museum of Art, the Kasteyev National Art Museum in Kazakhstan, etc. The heritage of the Central Asian nomadic empire influences the author’s works. Nomads interacted with the terrestrial, celestial and underground worlds following common everlasting laws of transformation, death and miraculous revival. This sacral process is reflected in the dynamics of Dashi’s sculptural compositions, their philosophy corresponds to the true idea of historical monuments. In Dashi’s creative work traditions of Asia and Europe amazingly blend together. In 2004 Dashi’s first jewelry collection was created. Wild birds and animals, insects and anthropomorphic creatures participate in the process of creation of the modern art. “Animalistic” genre of Dashi’s art is not meant to provoke the audience but is a natural expression of the author’s credo to portray a human world as a part of the nature. Dashi addresses the subject of Genghis Khan, creating the great Mongolian leader in bronze and acting as Art Director in the film “Mongol” (2007) by a film director Sergey Bodrov-senior. The film was nominated for Oscar as the best foreign language film and won six Nika Awards in Russia. Dashi received the Nika award for the best art direction.

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