30 de enero de 2013

Artista Grant Avakyan

Grant Avakyan was born in 1956 in Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia. Growing up in a country with centuries of rich history and abundant in art, he became infatuated with the arts at a very young age. From manuscripts to the carefully constructed churches and folk music, his childhood in Armenia laid the foundation and became a source of inspiration in becoming an artist. As art history was a part of his life, he learned to appreciate the importance of the past, the lessons it had to teach, and the beauty that it created. After high school in 1971 Grant was accepted to Terlemezyan College of Fine Arts in Yerevan, Armenia. In 1975 he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Art. He then attended Yerevan Institute of Art and Theater where he received his Masters Degree in 1981. For his unmatched accomplishment in art, he also received the Award of Excellence and Achievement. Unfortunately, living through the Communist regime when government controlled all art and music, it was hard for an artist to achieve total freedom of expression. But Grant’s strong ambition was not bound by these limits. His motivation drove him to find methods outside of these barriers to help him teach and advance himself into becoming an inspiring artist. Today Grant lives and creates art in Valencia, California. But his artistic talent, professionalism and unique style have captivated many art collectors and galleries in different parts of Europe and Armenia as well.

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