Alexander Dolgikh. Born in 1968, Alexander grew up in an apartment complex with the Russian artist Andrei Panteleev and Angelina Alexandrova, a well-known local storyteller and later, Alexander’s nanny, as neighbours. Alexander always had a passion for art, especially painting. He remembers having a book of Dresden Gallery reproductions for his 8th birthday given to him by his grandmother, Nadezhda Kucher, at that time Professor of Architecture at St. Petersburg Academy of Art.
Alexander Dolgikh. Born in 1968, Alexander grew up in an apartment complex with the Russian artist Andrei Panteleev and Angelina Alexandrova, a well-known local storyteller and later, Alexander’s nanny, as neighbours. Alexander always had a passion for art, especially painting. He remembers having a book of Dresden Gallery reproductions for his 8th birthday given to him by his grandmother, Nadezhda Kucher, at that time Professor of Architecture at St. Petersburg Academy of Art.