31 de octubre de 2012
Pinturas de Jake Baddeley
Jake Baddeley. Fantástico pintor simbolista holandés que representa con su maravillosa imaginación toda la fantasía a través de sus cuadros para lo que se inspira en los Grandes Maestros, la iconografía, la filosofía y la mitología. Su tecnica más frecuente es el óleo y el uso de colores trasnparentes. Sus obras más famosas: “Meta”, un tema surrealista de 2005, “El Pozo” de 2005, “La cuadratura del círculo” de 2005 y “Umbral” entre otras muchas. Ha expuesto en Holanda y varios paises europeos siempre con enorme éxito y los grandes coleccionistas se disputan sus obras.
30 de octubre de 2012
Pinturas de Irene Gendelman
Irene Gendelman was born in the region of Crimea in what is now the Ukraine. Ever since she was a child, she was inspired by the cityscapes of the region as well as the natural beauty of the nearby Caucasian Mountains and the Black Sea. She gained a passion for art when very young and this fueled her desire to develop her skills throughout school and later on in university. She then traveled to numerous cities in both Europe and the Middle East, letting her artistic style evolve. She eventually settled down in Israel, where she has remained to this day.
Irene Gendelman was born in the region of Crimea in what is now the Ukraine. Ever since she was a child, she was inspired by the cityscapes of the region as well as the natural beauty of the nearby Caucasian Mountains and the Black Sea. She gained a passion for art when very young and this fueled her desire to develop her skills throughout school and later on in university. She then traveled to numerous cities in both Europe and the Middle East, letting her artistic style evolve. She eventually settled down in Israel, where she has remained to this day.
29 de octubre de 2012
Dan Beck
Dan Beck. Equally adept at figurative, still-life and landscape, Dan Beck is an award winning artist and sought after teacher. His paintings have found collectors in both the private and corporate world on a national level as well as from such diverse places as Canada, Japan and the Middle East. Dan's work has also been featured in "Southwest Art", "Art of the West" magazines and "Art Talk". In the decade following his graduation from high school, Dan worked jobs that included ranch-hand in Arizona, construction on the beach of Florida, refinishing furniture in Louisiana and four years in the infantry. Those wanderlust years gave Dan a deep understanding of human nature that is reflected in his figurative works. His love of nature and respect for the tradition of art serve as both guide and inspiration to his goal of "making a contribution" to the world of painting. Dan's paintings evoke a timelessness and dignity that are the underlying themes in whatever he paints. Dan's continual studies of the masters as well as classes and workshops with artists such as Ramon Kelley, Richard Schmid, Ron Hicks, Quang Ho, Carolyn Anderson and Mark Daily are the keystones to Dan's development as an artist.
Dan Beck. Equally adept at figurative, still-life and landscape, Dan Beck is an award winning artist and sought after teacher. His paintings have found collectors in both the private and corporate world on a national level as well as from such diverse places as Canada, Japan and the Middle East. Dan's work has also been featured in "Southwest Art", "Art of the West" magazines and "Art Talk". In the decade following his graduation from high school, Dan worked jobs that included ranch-hand in Arizona, construction on the beach of Florida, refinishing furniture in Louisiana and four years in the infantry. Those wanderlust years gave Dan a deep understanding of human nature that is reflected in his figurative works. His love of nature and respect for the tradition of art serve as both guide and inspiration to his goal of "making a contribution" to the world of painting. Dan's paintings evoke a timelessness and dignity that are the underlying themes in whatever he paints. Dan's continual studies of the masters as well as classes and workshops with artists such as Ramon Kelley, Richard Schmid, Ron Hicks, Quang Ho, Carolyn Anderson and Mark Daily are the keystones to Dan's development as an artist.
Pinturas de Kim Roberti
Artist Kim Roberti. Her figurative work is impressionistic, and at first glance the style appears to give the figures Roberti puts on canvas a blurred sense of movement; the way the artist renders her figures, (and often the actions she captures them in) works wonderfully well with her technique. There is real life and energy on Roberti's canvases (actually it's gessobord), and it's a testament to the artist's growing skill that she can create that sense of movement in paint. Scrolling down Roberti's blog page, you find yourself constantly stopping to admire another piece, but it's that sense of movement that is so entrancing; you feel like you're missing something if you don't stop and look. In particular, I refer to Roberti's 'chef/cooking' series of figurative paintings. Pieces such as 'High On Spice', 'Kitchen Confidential', 'The Hot Issue' and 'Saucy Secret' are fine examples of how Roberti's technique infuses movement and action into already action-filled poses and situations. Roberti paints in oil, and uses an interesting colour palette. The tones are often warm and dark, but the highlights leap out at us because of it.
Artist Kim Roberti. Her figurative work is impressionistic, and at first glance the style appears to give the figures Roberti puts on canvas a blurred sense of movement; the way the artist renders her figures, (and often the actions she captures them in) works wonderfully well with her technique. There is real life and energy on Roberti's canvases (actually it's gessobord), and it's a testament to the artist's growing skill that she can create that sense of movement in paint. Scrolling down Roberti's blog page, you find yourself constantly stopping to admire another piece, but it's that sense of movement that is so entrancing; you feel like you're missing something if you don't stop and look. In particular, I refer to Roberti's 'chef/cooking' series of figurative paintings. Pieces such as 'High On Spice', 'Kitchen Confidential', 'The Hot Issue' and 'Saucy Secret' are fine examples of how Roberti's technique infuses movement and action into already action-filled poses and situations. Roberti paints in oil, and uses an interesting colour palette. The tones are often warm and dark, but the highlights leap out at us because of it.
Pinturas de Claudio Perina
Claudio Perina è un pittore italiano, nato in Veneto e che ha effettuato gli studi artistici a Verona. Espone un po’ ovunque in Europa e conta numerosi collezionisti nel mondo. Le sue tele, dai colori caldi e dolci, schierano su piani decrescenti , villa indolenti, case illanguidite, in atmosfere vaporose di fine estate. I rossi, i gialli, gli aranci, uniti alla dolcezza dei verdi bronzo, abbrustoliti di sole, illuminati di bianchi crudi, si ordinano secondo un disegno molto preciso, raffinato, elegante, attento al particolare, ma da dove particolare è assente. L’olio usato in trasparenza e in velature sovrapposte, alla maniera di un acquerello, da la profondità e la sensazione di misterioso torpore dove sono immersi i suoi paesaggi, sorti come da un sogno, in luci di fine pomeriggio in piena estate. Le sue città e i suoi paesi, le sue vecchie dimore palladiane, doviziose e addormentate, si distendono all’infinito sotto cieli infiammati di dolcezza, rutilanza immobile e calma dove neppure un soffio di vento viene a turbare l’armonia delle vecchie pietre e degli alberi secolari che le incastrano nella loro vegetazione e nella loro ombra. Là, regna la dolcezza, la serenità, la calma e la bellezza.
Claudio Perina è un pittore italiano, nato in Veneto e che ha effettuato gli studi artistici a Verona. Espone un po’ ovunque in Europa e conta numerosi collezionisti nel mondo. Le sue tele, dai colori caldi e dolci, schierano su piani decrescenti , villa indolenti, case illanguidite, in atmosfere vaporose di fine estate. I rossi, i gialli, gli aranci, uniti alla dolcezza dei verdi bronzo, abbrustoliti di sole, illuminati di bianchi crudi, si ordinano secondo un disegno molto preciso, raffinato, elegante, attento al particolare, ma da dove particolare è assente. L’olio usato in trasparenza e in velature sovrapposte, alla maniera di un acquerello, da la profondità e la sensazione di misterioso torpore dove sono immersi i suoi paesaggi, sorti come da un sogno, in luci di fine pomeriggio in piena estate. Le sue città e i suoi paesi, le sue vecchie dimore palladiane, doviziose e addormentate, si distendono all’infinito sotto cieli infiammati di dolcezza, rutilanza immobile e calma dove neppure un soffio di vento viene a turbare l’armonia delle vecchie pietre e degli alberi secolari che le incastrano nella loro vegetazione e nella loro ombra. Là, regna la dolcezza, la serenità, la calma e la bellezza.
Cayetano de Arquer Buigas
Cayetano de Arquer Buigas (1932), nacido y residente actualmente en Cerdanyola del Vallès. Retratista loado por la crítica por su interpretación particular de la mujer, tema central de su obra, destacando por sus aportaciones personales, de las que son reconocidas, entre otras, sus nucas femeninas. Siempre pequeño formado y buena confitura. Se aleja pues de los grandes formados que practicaron otros genios de la familia, de la rama Buigas: el oncleavi Carles Buigas y Sans (1898-1979), creador de fuentes luminosas, jardines y teatros de agua-luz por todo el mundo, o bien el bisabuelo Gaietà Buigas y Monravà (1851-1919), arquitecto nacional, autor por ejemplo del monumento a Colón a Barcelona, del Mercado de Sitges o del Palau Comella de Vic.
Cayetano de Arquer Buigas (1932), nacido y residente actualmente en Cerdanyola del Vallès. Retratista loado por la crítica por su interpretación particular de la mujer, tema central de su obra, destacando por sus aportaciones personales, de las que son reconocidas, entre otras, sus nucas femeninas. Siempre pequeño formado y buena confitura. Se aleja pues de los grandes formados que practicaron otros genios de la familia, de la rama Buigas: el oncleavi Carles Buigas y Sans (1898-1979), creador de fuentes luminosas, jardines y teatros de agua-luz por todo el mundo, o bien el bisabuelo Gaietà Buigas y Monravà (1851-1919), arquitecto nacional, autor por ejemplo del monumento a Colón a Barcelona, del Mercado de Sitges o del Palau Comella de Vic.
28 de octubre de 2012
Audrey Marienkoff
Audrey Marienkoff 1980 | France Marienkoff est une jeune artiste peintre au parcours atypique. Prothésiste dentaire, il y a quelques années encore, elle profitait de son temps libre pour peindre. Mais la passion est tenace, attirée par le dessin depuis son plus jeune âge, elle a décidé, un beau jour, de vivre de la peinture et des arts plastiques. Depuis elle a laissé les prothèses dentaires, pour faire place aux pinceaux et toiles, et en fait désormais sa profession.
Audrey Marienkoff 1980 | France Marienkoff est une jeune artiste peintre au parcours atypique. Prothésiste dentaire, il y a quelques années encore, elle profitait de son temps libre pour peindre. Mais la passion est tenace, attirée par le dessin depuis son plus jeune âge, elle a décidé, un beau jour, de vivre de la peinture et des arts plastiques. Depuis elle a laissé les prothèses dentaires, pour faire place aux pinceaux et toiles, et en fait désormais sa profession.
Pinturas de Andre Kohn
Andre Kohn. The precise convergence of three dynamic forces-culture, environment and talent-combined to produce one of the most collected figurative painters on the American art scene today. Raised by an artistically gifted family near the Caspian Sea in southern Russia, Andre Kohn's childhood was marked by the natural splendor of mountains and sea, and by an unfettered access to all the creative arts. His mother was a symphony violinist and his father a noted linguist, writer and sculptor. Both were educators trained in psychology who gave their only child unrestricted opportunity to explore the depths of art and his own obvious talent. Paintings, sculpture and books filled the family's tiny, one-bedroom home. It was a childhood without material possessions, but a childhood which taught him that the creative arts are the only true wealth. Kohn's parents also encouraged their son to draw on any surface-including the wallpaper in their home-which they simply re-papered when he grew old enough to favor sketchbooks. His memory of childhood is that "music and art were everywhere.
Andre Kohn. The precise convergence of three dynamic forces-culture, environment and talent-combined to produce one of the most collected figurative painters on the American art scene today. Raised by an artistically gifted family near the Caspian Sea in southern Russia, Andre Kohn's childhood was marked by the natural splendor of mountains and sea, and by an unfettered access to all the creative arts. His mother was a symphony violinist and his father a noted linguist, writer and sculptor. Both were educators trained in psychology who gave their only child unrestricted opportunity to explore the depths of art and his own obvious talent. Paintings, sculpture and books filled the family's tiny, one-bedroom home. It was a childhood without material possessions, but a childhood which taught him that the creative arts are the only true wealth. Kohn's parents also encouraged their son to draw on any surface-including the wallpaper in their home-which they simply re-papered when he grew old enough to favor sketchbooks. His memory of childhood is that "music and art were everywhere.