17 de febrero de 2012

Artista Bruno Di Maio

Titulo:The Blue Bird
Autor:©Bruno Di Maio

Bruno Di Maio was born in 1944 by Italian parents in Tripoli, Libya. He lives and works in Tuscany: Italy. Bruno has worked many years in the fine art restoration field, acquiring a prodigious technical ability. His work reflects his great love for renaissance painting, yet at the same time a strong desire for expressive autonomy. Di Maio tries successfully, in his allegorical and surrealistic interpretation of the present to give life to the recollective quality of the past. The originality of his vision is seen in the sumptuous subject matter, the quality of his chiaroscuro and the dramatic light effects on the figures and objects in his paintings. His work is happy, carnal, rich in color and vibrant with light. In addition to painting, his artistic training extends to sculpture, engraving, excellent watercolors as astounding Trompe L'oeil mural painting. His work can be found in private and public collections in Europe, Japan, Australia and in the United States.

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