19 de abril de 2015


Filomena Booth.-Strong composition, visual texture, bold use of color, and trusting her intuition are just some of the elements that Filomena employs in creating works that elicit emotional responses from viewers. Her work, at times, may be subtle, and at other times vibrant and bold. She is a prolific painter and credits her ability to master a variety of techniques to her experience as an art teacher. Filomena considers herself an experimental abstract expressionist artist. Her paintings often begin with thin washes of paint followed by layered glazes of color. The addition of collage materials, texture, and metallics may be used to enhance the composition as it slowly emerges from the canvas. The process involves the gradual buildup of many layers of color and texture to create the final image. She holds a B.A. degree in Fine Art education from Newark State College, now Kean University, in New Jersey. She has taken a variety of graduate courses at Montclair State College in Montclair NJ, as well as studied at the Dunedin Art Center in Florida. She has also participated in and taught several art workshops in Florida and Texas as well as acted as juror for Art in the Square outdoor art festival in Southlake, Texas.

1 comentario:

ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.