6 de marzo de 2015


Komarov Nickolay Parfenovich was born in the country B. Tersen.
In 1981 he gradualeted from Art and graphic faculty of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University.
In 1988 he gradulated from St. Petesburg Art Academy (studio by E.E. Moiseenko).
In 1991 he was assepted as a members of the Union of Artists of Russia. Sinse 2004 NiNickolay has been the member of the International Federation of Artists (IFA). Komarov Nickolay is participant of large Russians ans foreings exebitions.
He has exetude many orders as in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Hamburg.
There are many works in the State museums, galeries and private collections in Russia, France, Holland, the USA, Belgium Germany and the others countries of the world.

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