24 de marzo de 2015



Alena Kogan.- Born in Leningrad (presently St. Petersburg).
Alena graduated from Gorky State University in 1987, dep. of Theory of Dynamics and Managing of Systems. She was honored to be a student of famous professor Yury Neimark.
She obtained professional education in Vera Mukhina High School of Art and Design between 1991-1997, dep. of Ceramics and Glass. Among her teachers were professors V. Kochneva, V. Vasilkovsky, R. Kurelyak, V. Krachmer.
A member of Union of Artists of Russia since 1998 and is a prizewinner of “Woman in Art” contest.
Her main professional line is ceramics where she has achieved a resounding success.
A lot interesting details of her artworks take roots in her passion in ceramics where bright natural dye is being used. She applies parts of the ancient technology to the modern art - bold layers, solidity of composition, rich and bold colors. Paintings of Alena Kogan may definitely be a deserving piece of any interior ranging from very daring to conservative classic. Bright and intense they are all natural and amiable and charming to our eyes while its’ composition nothing but ideal.
Today Alena Kogan works as an associate professor at St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts and makes researches in conservation and restoring of stained-glass windows.

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