17 de febrero de 2015

NIKOLAI JELNOV. Galardonado.

Galería de Arte Cristina Faleroni, distingue al artista Nikolai Jelnov con su máximo galardón por su trayectoria en las Bellas Artes.

Mes de Febrero de 2015 - Argentina.
Directora: Maria Cristina Faleroni.

Nikolai Jelnov was born in Moscow in 1967. In 1996 he was graduated from the Moscow Print Institut, the workshop of prof. Vasnetscov.A. Since 1997 he is a member of the Moscow Union of Artist. He had participated in exhibition in Moscow and abroad from 1994. He is a laureate of the first premium at the Moscow exhibition of youth in 1997.

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ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.