25 de febrero de 2015


I've always been influenced by the power of images to express ideas and emotions. Painting is a process of discovery and decision making where disparate elements pull together until the image is clearly expressed.
Primarily I work in oils and feel it's important to work from life at least initially. I'm drawn to the human form where figures exist both in representational and painterly worlds and will I'll often explore a narrative theme in order to capture the emotional power of a moment in time. I feel that common, every day things can be beautiful and resonant without being manipulative or artificially provocative. Landscape painting for me is a journey in search of something that evokes a personal response to nature beyond the obvious and descriptive. Ultimately my concerns are with the expressive qualities of light captured with paint. I'm inspired by the fabric of which our environment is woven. Daily surroundings that show a visual patina of time speak to me, it is the alchemy between what is earthbound and what is not, what is transient and what is solid. Between the two is the rich matrix of the shadow and light patterns of life. Contemporary Impressionism best describes my style.

1 comentario:

ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.