19 de febrero de 2015


Canadian painter Clarence Gagnon 1881-1942 is best known for his rural Quebec landscape paintings and the illustrations for Louise Hémon’s novel Maria Chapdelaine. Gagnon was also an award winning printmaker, a passionate outdoorsman, and an active promoter of Quebec handicrafts.
Clarence Gagnon was born in a small village in rural Quebec. Although he trained and maintained a studio in Paris for much of his career, he never lost his love of the Laurentians and the Charlevoix region of eastern Quebec which inspired many of his paintings. Gagnon’s mother fostered his early interest for drawing and despite his father’s wishes that he enter business, he began studying drawing and painting in 1897 at the age of sixteen under William Brymner at the Art Association of Montreal.

1 comentario:

  1. Maravillosos contrastes, colorido, luces, una belleza para el espíritu. En estos días de encierro da gusto recorrer tu blog. Gracias. Deseo que estés bien.


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