16 de enero de 2015


Pyotr Maksimovich Rudin - painter.
Born in the Altai mountains in the village of Lower Wyman in 1932 he Graduated from Sverdlovsk art school in 1959. His thesis "On stage" was awarded "excellent praise", accepted for the exhibition of works of artists of the Tyumen region (1959). In 1974, entered the Union of artists of the USSR (now Russia). Lived and worked in the art funds of Tyumen and Novosibirsk. Since 1990 he has been living in the city of Novomoskovsk. Regularly participates in local, regional, regional, all-Union exhibitions, conducts personal exhibitions. For participation in the exhibition "Ural socialist" (1967) was awarded the honorary diploma and a diploma for participation in the exhibition "Earth Tyumen" (1978). In 2010 Peter Maksymovych received a commendation from the Union of artists "For success in work and assistance in the development of art in Russia". Picture P. M. Rudin are stored in the art galleries of Tyumen, Novosibirsk, Moscow, private collections in Russia, Germany, Sweden, America, Canada, and Japan. In 2012 he was awarded the silver medal of the Union of artists of Russia.

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