20 de enero de 2015


Olga Wisinger-Florian (1 November 1844, Vienna - 27 February 1926, Grafenegg) was an Austrian impressionist painter, mainly of landscapes and flower still lifes. She was a notable representative of Austrian Mood Impressionism.
She originally trained as a concert pianist with Julius Epstein.
Wisinger-Florian switched to painting in the mid-1870s. She was a student of painters Melchior Fritsch (1826-1889), August Schaeffer (de) (1833-1916) and Emil Jakob Schindler. From 1881 she regularly showed paintings at the annual exhibitions mounted at the artist's house and later often showed at Vienna Secession exhibitions.

1 comentario:

  1. Nem tenho palavras para expressar a beleza das pinturas...
    Parabéns pelo maravilhoso Blogue


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