9 de enero de 2015


Étienne Dinet [1861-1929] was a French orientalist painter.
Compared to modernist painters such as Henri Matisse, who also visited northern Africa in the first decade of the 20th century, Dinet's paintings are extremely conservative. They are highly mimetic, indeed ethnographic, in their treatment of their subject. Dinet's understanding of Arab culture and language set him apart from other orientalist artists. Surprisingly, he was able to find nude models in rural Algeria. Before 1900, most of his works could be characterized as "anecdotal genre scenes". As he became more interested in Islam, he began to paint religious subjects more often. He was active in translating Arabic literature into French, publishing a translation of a 13th-century Arab epic poem by Antarah ibn Shaddad in 1898.

1 comentario:

  1. Cuanto arte en las imagenes maravilloss que has expuesto
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