6 de diciembre de 2014


Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti

Giovanni Giacometti 1868-1933 was born in Stampa, the Grisans on March 7th, 1868. Encouraged by his teacher, the young Giacometti entered on the artistic career and moved to Munich in 1886 to attend the school of arts and crafts. There Giacometti met Cuno Amiet, who became his close friend and with whom he studied the works of the French impressionists. Supported by his parents, Giacometti moved along with Amiet to Paris in 1888. He went to the spring salon, where he was deeply impressed by some paintings.

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