25 de diciembre de 2014

Erich Paulsen - Premiado

Erich Paulsen - Premiado

Galería de Arte Cristina Faleroni, distingue al artista Erich Paulsen con su máximo galardón por su trayectoria en las Bellas Artes.

Mes de Diciembre de 2014 - Argentina.

Erich Paulsen was born in 1932 in a small village near Berlin. He moved with his paents to West Germany after the war. He studied in Hamburg at the Meisterschule der Malerei. Further studies followed in Italy, France and Spain. As an art student, Paulsen traveled to Italy, France, Spain, Scotland and Norway to expand his knowledge and experience the feeling of the landscapes of other countries as well as Germany.
alt Paulsen prefers to paint landscapes and in particular subjects around his home in Lower Saxony. Paulsen's unique palette knife technique and his wonderful colors give his paintings a particular flair and make them stand out. Paulsen has had exhibits for his work throughout Germany.

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