2 de noviembre de 2014


Yuriy Lomkov

Yuriy Lomkov

Yuriy Lomkov

Yuriy Lomkov

Yuriy Lomkov

Yuriy Lomkov

Yuriy Lomkov

Lomkov Yuri Aleksandrovich was born in 1951 in city Groznyi.
Since 1954 I live and I work in the city of Severodvinsk of the Arkhangelsk area. After the termination of a comprehensive school has acted and has finished training in art school of city of Yaroslavl.
1971 is the beginning of my creative way. Since this moment I become the constant participant of professional art exhibitions.
Since 1991 and now I am a member of the Union of artists of Russia.
The greater series of graphic works in technics a water color is a result of trips to Sweden, Spain, the south of France – Toulouse, Moliere, Montaban, Karkasson, Sete, Grenada, Andorra.
A series of works «Belomor'e» this reflection of the world, the world in which I live. The north of Russia – Mezen, Onega, Dvina, Solovki, the Kola ground.
A series "Contemporaries" is a subject above which I continue to work since 1971. Meetings with people, supervision, sketches, the etudes brought from creative trips by all this a material which I use in the portraits.
Publications in press and reportings from exhibitions sum up the next trip. A number of my works there are in assemblies of museums and picture galleries in Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Portsmouth (USA).
The significant part of pictures is in private collections in Russia, Lithuania, the USA, Finland, Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, Israel.

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