16 de noviembre de 2014


Igor Rodionov

Igor Rodionov

Igor Rodionov

Igor Rodionov

Igor Rodionov

Igor Rodionov

Igor Rodionov

Rodionov Igor Ivanovich was born in 1962 in city Vladimir. Since 1976 for 1980 studied at children's art school. In 1980 has student in the Vladimir state pedagogical institute of P. I Lebedev - Poliansky on art - graphic faculty. Has ended institute in 1985. Worked in the field of advertising and registration of public buildings, but never stopped creative work. Now completely has devoted itself to painting.
Participated in numerous exhibitions of the students graphic faculty. 1980 - 1986
Allrussian exhibition of the graduates is art - graphic faculties. 1986.
2000. An exhibition of. Magdebourg, first international art festival of. Magdebourg.
2001. An exhibition of. Magdebourg, second international art festival of. Magdebourg.
The works are in private collections in Russia, Ireland, Germany and USA.

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