15 de octubre de 2014


Leo Putz

Leo Putz (1869 - 1940)German Artist.
Leo Putz studied at the Munich Academy and at the Julian Academy in Paris. He worked for the famous magazine Jugend where numerous works by Putz were published. The artist was an active figure in the art world of Munich. Female portraits and nude painting were the main subjects of his work. by 1897 he had a studio in Munich and joined as a full member to the new then movement "Secession", the following year Putz along with his fellow artists exhibited at the 1898 Munich Secession Exhibition.
In 1929 Putz with his family moved to South America and worked a professor at the Academia de Belas Artes in Rio de Janeiro. He returned to Germany in 1933, where his work is classified as "degenerate art". He died after an operation in 1940.

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