27 de octubre de 2014


Anna Dittmann

Anna Dittmann

Anna Dittmann

Anna Dittmann

Anna Dittmann

Anna Dittmann

Anna Dittmann.- As a child, my first canvases were the walls of my bedroom and it’s been a strange, fantastic ride ever since. I’m a 21-year-old digital illustrator from San Francisco with a passion for enigmatic portraiture. I began taking painting more seriously when I discovered Photoshop around age 13. A lot has changed since then, but I still have that childlike excitement every time I see and create art. I eventually moved to Georgia to study at the Savannah College of Art and Design, and am currently working on my BFA in Illustration.
I have a love for nature, biology, and portraiture which are recurring themes throughout my work. Ethereal and atmospheric moods have always appealed to me because the sense of mystery they evoke, so I tend create soft pieces with a combination of graphic and realistic elements.
My inspiration comes from organic natural elements, mythology and history, movement and texture, lyrics and melodies, expressions, color variations, pretty much anything which makes me want to grab my tablet and paint!

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