26 de septiembre de 2014

BENJAMIN SHIFF - 1931 - 2011

Benjamin Shiff

Benjamin Shiff was born in 1931 - 2011 in Germany and immigrated to Israel with his family at the age of two.
At age forty, Benjamin Shiff experienced an explosion of creative expression. He immersed himself in painting and explored music, poetry as well as philosophy. The result being that in addition to his extensive body of artwork, Shiff has published three poetry books and two books of short stories. He is also a member of The Hebrew Writers Association in Israel. After his initial fascination with Belgian Surrealist artist Rene Magritte, Shiff enriched his oil and tempera painting techniques, which were widely used by the Old Masters, through advanced studies in Austria. He sharpened his perspective and added spiritual and mystical dimensions to his work through the study of Philosophy, Kabala, Hasidism and Jewish philosophy.

2 comentarios:

  1. Estas maternidades y el estudio que realiza Shiff en un estilo tan personal como atractivo poseen la fuerza de la seguridad. La mujer, sus formas y su visión para el artista depende del momento vital que posee quien es plasmado en una pintura bella. La representación interpretativa que se quiere transmitir a quienes se atreven a ver un poco más allá de lo convencional: las rotundas formas físicas implican un estado de plenitud.
    Una excelente colección, como siempre, muy meticulosamente seleccionada y afortunadamente compartida. Siempre mis felicitaciones por tu trabajo, querida Cristina.

    Un cariñoso abrazo, mi querida María Cristina.

  2. Muchas gracias Antonio por tu comentario. Un gran abrazo.


ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.