11 de diciembre de 2013

Zoe Chernakova

Zoe Chernakova

Zoe Chernakova. Member of the International Federation of Artists, Creative Union of Russian Artists. Exposes since 1984 (nearly 300 events, of which more than 50 personal). Taken 7 documentaries on TV, more than 100 publications in Russia and abroad. Works are in museum "Other Art" (Collection L. Talochkin), Moscow Museum of Modern Art in the Collection "Medici House" Zurich, Museum of Painting, Dusseldorf, other museums, galleries, private collections in Russia, Germany, Austria, Spain, Belgium, France, Czech Republic, USA, Japan, etc. Donuts, cats and bullies, children, angels, wise men, goggle-eyed beauty and floating gentlemen - this painting to life, makes available pleases the eye and gladdens the soul. "Name of the heart" - a creative slogan carries through all his wonderful creations of Moscow artist Zoe Chernakova.

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