1 de diciembre de 2013

Van Rainy Hecht Nielsen

Van Rainy Hecht Nielsen

Van Rainy Hecht-Nielsen.
Born on May 12, 1974, in Longmont, Colorado. Currently resides in Colorado.
At the age of twenty-five, began a two-year apprenticeship with Miles Williams Mathis. Furthers his education through experience, experimentation, and study of the old masters.
Work History.
One man show at Gallery Mikhel, January 10- February 28, 2003.
Chosen as one of the featured artists in the 2003 September issue of Southwest Art magazines annual "21 under 31" issue.
Award winner at 1999 Art Students League- National Sculpture Competition, held in New York City.
Permanent display in galleries listed below, including gallery shows.
Works held in numerous private collections.

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