4 de diciembre de 2013

Margit Anna

Margit Anna

Margit Anna, 1913 Borota, 1991 Budapest. Painter (originally Sichermann, later Sólyom). She attended Vaszary's school in 1932-36. She travelled to Paris with her husband, Imre Ámos, a painter, in 1937 where they met Chagall. Her early period was similar to Ámos's art: lyric presentation with grotesque elements chracterize her pictures. In 1945-48, a now motif appeared in her pictures: puppets symbolizing man exposed to history. Her style became harsher and more elemental. After 1949, she could not take part in art life for a long time but she began to paint in the mid-1960s. Her pictures symbolized suppressed tragedy ("Pleasure Ride", 1967), and innocence ("Tale", 1964) with surrealistic and expressive metamorphoses of the puppet motif .

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