31 de diciembre de 2013

Josef Jan Michnia

Josef Jan Michnia

In May 1942, Josef Jan Michnia was born in Waldbrücken/Silesia. At the age of six, he started painting. He visited the art school in Oppeln and was assistent of the well-known master of art Marek Jennert where he worked for five years between 1967 and 1972.
At the time of the communist regime in Poland, Michnia had plenty of work to do: His jobs included wall paintings and posters. However, he could not pursue his real inclination, that means expressionism and the art of Paul Cézanne.
His decision to immigrate to the Federal Republik of Germany in 1988 was largely due to the wish to develop his own style without external harassement. During the first time as an independent artist in Germany, he earned his living as an with graphical works, postcards and posters.
Since 1999 Michnia has been lecturer at the LKG, an art school in Mönchengladbach.

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