21 de diciembre de 2013

David Silva - Dasil

David Silva - Dasil

David Silva. Born in Mexico, and resident of Montreal since the spring of 2002, is a professional, self-taught, fine art artist, continuously active for almost twenty years.
In parallel with a multi-year career in commercial photography, corporate communications and television programming production, has developed a rich pictorial work, original and very personal. Upon his recent arrival in his new adoptive country, he confirmed his firm will to devote himself totally from now on to the development of his painting.
Working as well with acrylics, oils or inks, presents imaginative figurative paintings, responding to a mix of influences going from surrealism to classicism, fantastic, allegoric or sacred art. The fineness and the precision of the drawings are enhanced by the richness of the colors and hues, allowing the artist to share with us some of his passions, such as music, mythology, or history. The whole of his work is meant to be a celebration of life. To the more careful observer, loves to offer fine composite and complex images, with hidden details and compositions, then revealing a secondary symbolism which remains for ever vivid.
Often accepting sponsors' requests, the works of are found in many private collections, be it in Mexico, in the United States, in Canada, in Argentina, in France, in Spain and in Germany."

2 comentarios:

ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.