21 de noviembre de 2013


Pinturas de Katelyn Alain

Katelyn Alain is an emerging talent who has burst onto the contemporary art scene. Alain’s paintings combine memory and imagined events with direct visual representation to create figures that exist in a dreamy world of past and present.
Alain’s paintings first gained national attention through a 2007 Wall Street Journal article while she was a graduate student in Wisconsin. She has since exhibited in New York, Los Angeles, and Santa Fe. Her latest body of work has garnered the attention of galleries, curators, and a growing base of collectors around the globe. The paintings in her first solo exhibition, The Age Of Illuminated Phenomena, are featured in the October 2009 issue of American Art Collector magazine and on the cover of Art Ltd magazine.
Alain holds Master of Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Hartford Art School that included one year of study at the Marchutz Painting School in Aix-en-Provence, France. Academic awards include the Lois G. Roberts Scholarship and the Kenneth Brown and Robert Kaentje Award for painting as well as a faculty nomination for the Joan Mitchell Foundation Grant.
Alain is represented by Stricoff Fine Art in New York City and by Skotia Gallery in Santa Fe.

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