31 de octubre de 2013


Michael Aviano

Michael Aviano has been drawing since childhood. His first oil paintings were done when he was in junior high school.
In the 1940’s Michael applied to the Art Students League, NYC, where the school director Steward Klonis was so impressed by the young Aviano’s talent that he immediately enrolled him in Frank J. Reilly’s painting class. This was an honor as it often took up to two years to gain entrance into Reilly’s classes. Frank J. Reilly studied with the famous League teacher Frank Vincent Dumond (American 1865-1951), who in turn studied under Benjamin Constant (1845- 1902), Jules Joseph Lefebvre (1836-1911) and Gustave Boulanger (1824-1888), important painters of the French Academic Tradition. During his years at the Art Students League, Michael received annual scholarships and awards for his excellence in painting.

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