1 de septiembre de 2013


Katya Trischuk is a Toronto based Visual Artist working with oil on canvas. A very strong colorist, she uses the pallet knife to create rich textures. Born in the Ukraine, Katya Trischuk discovered her artistic ability at an early age and was often in trouble at school for drawing in her books or spending her lunch money on art supplies. In spite of this, she often won prizes for the best drawings in school and went on to study at The Art School for Children and later tutored with the famous Ukrainian painter/realist Leonid Ivanovich Maximov.
In the mid 90's Katya turned to painting with oil on canvas and for 3 years had her own art atelier in Kiev. Her talents were recognized in the arts community and with private collectors. During this time, Katya traveled extensively throughout Europe where she visited museums and learned more about art, history and architecture. In April 2000 Katya was invited to exhibit her work at The Museum of Ukrainian Literature in Kiev, where her work was acclaimed by art critics and received positive reviews in the national press. This solo exhibition lasted for two weeks and on opening day it attracted 185 visitors breaking a four- year record for daily ticket sales. In the summer of 2000 Katya returned to Toronto to complete her degree in Interior Design at Ryerson University. Today Katya continues her passion for painting. She considers herself a "process-oriented" artist and uses a palette knife for layering, dry-brush techniques, cloths and even her hands to create paintings that are rich in vibrant colours and lush with texture. This gives her work a distinctive quality. Katya's work can be seen at any number of Toronto art galleries and has been showcased at The Toronto International Art Fairs.

1 comentario:

  1. Aquí hay mucho que ver.
    Gracias por dejar huella en mi casa y así llegar hasta este interesante luegar que es tu blog.



ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.