3 de agosto de 2013


Vladimir Karnachev was born on March 12, 1953 in Rustavi, Georgia. From early childhood, he was very fond of drawing. Love to draw moulded gradually the future of his profession. In 1976 he entered the M. B. Grekov Art College at Rostov-on-Don, which graduated in 1980 with a diploma of the painter-designer. Already during his studies he began to exhibit his work at urban and regional exhibitions. In the 80-s years, he regularly participates in regional, republican and all-Union exhibitions. In 1989 he was admitted to the Union of Artists of the USSR. Since 2000, he pays more attention to the solol exhibitions (Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Birmingham).

1 comentario:

ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.