26 de agosto de 2013


Born in France, LÉA RIVIÈRE studied visual arts, drama and dance in Paris. She completed her studies at the Beaux-Arts in Geneva. Starting in 1984, exhibitions, seminar and study tours enriched her pictoral language. She has been living in Québec since 1990. She started painting at a very young age with her uncle who taught her the essentials of painting.
Her training at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Geneva gave her a profound understanding of abstraction, technicality and concept. Léa Rivère's artistic practice has been focusing on painting the female form, as well as horses; an interest that was derived from her earlier experiences of working in horse therapy. Her vast knowledge of anatomy and movement comes from her years of teaching, which enabled her to truly apprehend the true meaning of motion, form and figuration.

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