17 de agosto de 2013


Alexander Sulimov was born in the city of Kourgan, Russia in 1963. At the age of sixteen he decided to follow his father example and took up drawing and painting. In the year of 1987 Alexander graduated from Arts School with profile in set decorating. Have worked for seven years at puppet theatre in his hometown, he ended up as a free lance painter. Seeking for inspiration and a quiet atmosphere he moved to the city of Jiguliovsk where he has been living and creating for the last seven years. Since the moment Alexander first took up the brush, his paintings have been exhibited in Russia (Kourgan, Togliatti, Moscow) and abroad (Switzerland). Every painting amateur may admire his works by visiting ‘Vavilon’ gallery in Samara, both ‘Dom Devyati’ gallery and ‘Gallery of Art’ in Togliatti, ‘Noviy veck’gallery in Moscow. His works are also being displayed in ‘Red Square gallery’ in Ashville, the USA.

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