22 de agosto de 2013


Alan Cayton. Always searching, always trying to give through my work. Wanting to share with others. Finding fascination in the work of other artists. I believe a work of art has beauty and value when the elements of the composition achieve a harmonic unity through the actions of the artist. The struggle of the artist to always go further in this pursuit enriches the work with a spiritual value. I have chosen still life as my subject. The subject is not as important as the interaction between the artist and his chosen materials. Each of us is unique and this uniqueness is made visible by our work.
It is when we encounter difficulties that our inner resources come into play. Art is the beauty of truth. When I look at a subject I see truths, for example the truth of the white cloth or the red apple or the shadow beneath the table. I suspect that all the beauty and mystery of life is embodied in the original creation which is also within my little sample where I am looking. The world is made visible by light. Light breaks down into colors. The more I think about it the more mysterious it seems. As a painter I am interested in the study of this mystery. Art is the science of mystery. As we live we are also a part of this mystery. The mystery room is a place with many doors. There are doors to physical science, to metaphysical science, to spiritual disciplines, to your self discovery, to the discovery of others and maybe even a door to the absolute reality or truth. I paint still life with the hope of going far beyond the objects. I really am always painting the rainbow. Education: 1968, Attended East Carolina University for one year 1979, Returned to East Carolina University and majored in fine art 1980, Transferred to Parson's School of Design 1982, Earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Parson's 1985, Earned a Master of Fine Arts degree from Parson's 1995, Attended Painting class at The Art Students League in New York

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