25 de junio de 2013

Artista Steven DaLuz

Steven DaLuz, American painter, is a versatile artist with an eclectic sensibility. His interests are split between abstraction and figurative art. He is best known for figurative works that straddle impressionism and realism. He may be equally identified with abstract works that are landscape referential-employing metal leaf, oil, and mixed media. DaLuz was born in Hanford, California, the son of an Air Force officer. From an early age, he was exposed to art in galleries and in publications, which fed his interest in drawing. DaLuz attended 13 schools in 7 states and 3 foreign countries by the time he graduated from high school. Throughout, he was inspired by art teachers, and by his own father, who painted recreationally. The cultures to which he was exposed spawned his varied artistic interests. After just one semester at San Antonio College, the Vietnam War interrupted his art studies and led to a long stint with the United States Air Force.

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