10 de abril de 2013

Sandra Flood

Sandra Flood, is a full-time, self taught oil painter who's work has been received with enormous popularity over recent years. Her work is primarily figurative, imbued with subtle yet compelling emotion. She greatly admires a wide range of both contemporary and historic masters- notably: Egon Schiele; Lucian Freud; Degas; Motherwell; Whistler; and Antonio Lopez-Garcia. Without exception, even her most recent works reside in private collections in Zurich, Hong Kong, Greenwich, Manhattan, Princeton, Philadelphia and Chicago. Sandra lives in a 140 yr old house in Frenchtown NJ, on the Delaware River with her husband and three dogs . Current gallery representation is with Wally Workman, Austin , Tx., Hrefna Jonsdottir, Lambertville, NJ

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