22 de marzo de 2013

Rose Freymuth-Frazier

Rose Freymuth.Frazier, Born November 19, 1977, in Nevada City, California. Lives and paints in New York City. Painting Rose Freymuth-Frazier is known for her rigorously rendered portraits of the contemporary female experience as well as paintings of disposable objects such as breast-pumps, balloons and expensive shoes. Her work has received attention from numerous publications including Art Papers, ARTnews, The Chicago Tribune, Direct Art Magazine and American Art Collector Magazine. Freymuth-Frazier studied with and was assistant to Steven Assael in New York City and Odd Nerdrum in Norway. She also attended the Art Students League of New York where she studied with Gregg Kreutz. In 2010 she participated in the John and Diane Marek Visiting Artists Lecture Series at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She is represented by Ann Nathan Gallery in Chicago.

1 comentario:

  1. Belissimo trabalho. Obrigada por postar. Gosto muito do rosto envolto com a tela.


ARTE CRISTINA FALERONI. - Este es tu espacio, dejanos tu opinón, tu aporte es muy valioso. Muchas gracias.